Bridger Tower (aka. brijr)

Design Engineer building software, websites, and brands.



I am a designer and developer from Utah. I work as a design engineer and AI developer at a marketing software company called Ampry.

I belong to the intersection of design, code, and marketing. After studying marketing in university, I started my career as a product designer for marketing tech before diving into software design and development.

I studied in the Masters of Product Management at the University of Maryland before transferring to Georgia Tech to study Human Computer Interaction in the Masters of Computer Science program.

Thanks for visiting and feel free to reach out to me via email. Always looking to collaborate and learn from others.


components.bridger.toOS Next.js components for websites
product.bridger.toProduct Design and Development work
resumeMy resume and work experience
nextutah.orgNext.js Utah Dev Community


Programmatic SEO in Next.js


Design Engineering with Next.js


Strong Product Teams


Modern Product Teams and MVPs


Agile Product Management


See all posts


I am a technical entrepreneur building Alpine Codex and 9d8 alongside Cameron Youngblood. Originally, I started Zion Design in 2018.


This site was built with Next.js, MDX, Tailwind, shadcn/ui, brijr/craft, and shipped with Vercel. The source code is available on GitHub. The site uses the font Manrope and the 'stone' color scheme from Tailwind.